Helping Brand Partners Get Started

To determine if a person is a good candidate for becoming a Brand Partner, it is advised to get them on a pre-onboarding call with your upline prior to enrollment. Your upline can also help introduce the concept of TRANSFORMATION NOW & the FAST START PROGRAM so they can start their business started with momentum.

Get on an onboarding call with you, your new BP & your upline. Start a support chat with the three of you! 

Basic Outline for a Brand Partner Onboarding Call:

  • Ask the question, “Based on what you have seen so far, what's exciting you most about this opportunity?” Listen to them for a good 10 minutes.

  • Upline share your personal packaged story 

  • Learn about their why, “If money was no obstacle and all your bills were paid, what would you be doing with your time?” Listen to them! 

  • Based on their response, walk them through their first few action steps for getting started, creating a post or reel for social media, starting personal reachouts, and reaching their warm market via a launch event. Help get them plugged into the community and welcome them to the greater team!

Example of Action Steps:

  • Ask them the simple question, "Who are three people that you know that are ready to look better, feel better, enhance their performance, or make a powerful impact/income in the world."

  • Once they give you the three names, ask them these simple questions about each person:

    • How do you know them?

    • Why did you think of them?

    • Are you connected on social media?

    • When was the last time you spoke to them?

  • From there, devise a plan on how they can reach out to them and help them craft their initial reach outs, which often begins with, "I thought of you because..."

  • Another great conversation starter is asking their prospects’ consent to send one of Dave’s Videos that speaks to a current passion project. Let the tools do the talking!

  • The goal is to help people share their gift code and get a win in their first 48 hrs or less.

  • Connect in with them the next day to see how their conversations are going. It doesn’t matter if their prospects say yes or no; our goal is to help guide people to a dignified decision and support them with connect calls!

  • Encourage them to get plugged into at least three of our team or corporate calls a week to get to know the community and start the learning process.


Plug them into the promotions slowly by connecting with them daily for their first ten days, giving them one action step at a time; once completed, give them the next action step.


  • Do a live interview with them after their onboarding call to help them share their excitement for this new venture!

  • As they start to get into the Rhythm of 3, you can start sharing more information on UBT with them, but they don't need to know all the point information right out of the gate; all they need to know is who are the next 3! 

  • As their upline, you get to watch their back office and let them know when a sale goes through, how close they are to the next bonus, etc…you DO NOT have to overwhelm them with the details of points, etc…they will learn it with time and your continued support.

After they have their first couple of wins, get them on another call with you or your upline to craft their story and discuss a more formal launch! Follow the step-by-step onboarding to help with specific resources for getting started!