In order to set our greatest intentions for what’s coming we are really excited to help you get set up with your goals & commitments and provide team accountability!

1) Action Plan Declaration before the 3rd of the month:

Backoffice > Submission Forms > Action Plan Declaration (receive 50 points)

2) Monthly order placed!

3) Vision Statement: Within your vision statements, include specifics on #of bp’s & customers, UBT goals, Mini Marathon goals, K club goals, # of personally enrolled FS earners, desired rank, and monthly income goal.

  • I (name) _____ am SO Happy And Grateful as I consistently work towards the goal of _______ (rank or other measurable business goal) by ______ (date) 

    1. I have _______ points, _______ per day

    2. The teammates I am currently working with to reach their goals are_______.

      The new people I call into my team are _______.

    3. My action steps to meeting my goals are _______ (list them).

    4. I give up _________ in order to achieve these goals. (Ex. I give up my 30min of nightly Netflix for prospecting time, I give up limiting beliefs around not knowing enough people etc…) 

    5. My why is _____________________.

    6. Add any additional Gratitiudes for up-team support and the life you are creating!

    The Why is the fuel that gives you the energy and desire to reach your goals. Your why should LITERALLY make you cry! Tap into the emotion here and deepen and craft your why, work on it often, and saturate yourself in the emotion that will bring your dreams to you! And staying focused on your why will, most importantly, keep you from giving up!

    Additional things you can add to your Vision Statement:

  • Goal Setting Formula:

    • When working my Purium business I am consistently motivated by ______________________________________________________

    • It ties into my core values of ________________________________

    • This is important to me because_____________________________

    • The habits I am replacing in order to get there are ______________________________________________________

    • In keeping this promise to myself I will be rewarded with and celebrate


Accountability and Celebration are everything in this business! Once you have completed the above go ahead and post screenshots of the completed steps and add your vision statement to our business community building FB page and tag your mentors so we can cheer you on and support you in your declarations! Add any additional photos that support yourself in these goals!

Example Post!